
Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Ofa's 2012 learning Reflection

What subject do you feel you did the best in this year? This year the best subject was reading Why? Because I learnt more things like taking a break at the end of a fall stop.

What subject did you not do so well in? The subject that I didn’t do so well was writing Why?  Because I didn’t put capital later it the beginning of sentences and sometimes it doesn't make

Did I manage my time wisely this year? This year I didn’t manage my time How? because I need to get tasks done .e.g. finishing most tasks, working independently, getting work on the conferencing doc.

Did I get Golden Time this much this year? Why or Why not?
I got most of the time on Golden time because I finished most of my work.

What can I do differently next year? Why?
Next year I will do something different because I have moved on.

Give yourself smiley faces out of 10 to show how well you did this year:


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