
Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Antarctica long dasit

One morning there  was a man name Mr Somerville he was a teacher at this school he really wanted to see how it was like in Antarctica and  how frosty it was so when it was the holiday he decided to go so he put warm clothes on him and packed what he need. Mr Somerville talk
a helicopter to Antarctica it talk him about 12 hours to get to Antarctica.

As soon as Mr Somerville got there he was so cold and he only had two jakat on so Mr Somerville keep walking and then Mr Somerville saw a leopard seal saw so Mr Somerville started to ran and it was so windy but then he stop and had a drink and after his drink he made him a tent and went to sleep.

The next day Mr Somerville work up he got out off his tent and started walking then he fall
into an ice cave but he didn't no how and he couldn't get out so he spent the night in the cave.

That morning he hared some one and then he saw a rope coming down then some one told him to
hang on to the rope so he hang on the rope and he got poled up and went and went back to Antarctica